Monday, May 9, 2011

Welcome from the Cake Bastard! Big fucking deal, right?

Okay, so here goes...
I bake cakes. Not for a living mind you, for fun. I have a small business, two small kids, a great wife, and when I need to fucking relax I pull out some butter, eggs, sugar, and flour, and I bake a cake. Last week, I decided to make a peanut butter and jelly cake, and lemme tell you, that shit was banging, this week, I figured what the fuck, I'm out of cake, may as well do something else. I've got two beautiful layers of strawberry pound cake in 350 degrees as I type this. And I can betcha one g-damned thing. That shits gonna be banging too. Im gonna torte those bitches, filling with strawberry jam and strawberry buttercream, and if that ain't good, then there is seriously something wrong with your taste buds.

So the plan is to try to make a cake every week or so and post the adventures here. I'm doing this shit for fun, and as a way to channel my profanity away from other fucking people. But I'm also busy. I work. I travel. I spend time with my family. I also drink and smoke. Don't bitch and whine if you start reading this and I skip a week or something, no big deal to me, shouldn't be a big deal for you.

So first cake is gonna be a torted strawberry pound with strawberry filling and strawberry buttercream, recipe to come tomorrow. I don't give a fuck what Steve Jobs says, typing on an iPad can be a bitch and if I'm gonna spend the time to share a recipe then I'm gonna fucking need a keyboard that clicks and doesnt have autocorrect.

So welcome to the cake bastard. Enjoy your fucking stay.


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