Monday, May 9, 2011

Why I'm not the "Cake God" or some shit like that...

Two fucking words: Parchment Paper.
I've been baking cakes for a while, and my world was turned upside down when I discovered by putting a little circle of parchment paper on the bottom of my pan will allow the cake to not fucking stick to the metal. I spray my pans down, throw down my little secret weapon, spray that bitch again and after a hour or so in the oven and a couple hours of cooling, voila! Perfect cake that slides out of the pan slicker than goose shit.

Until tonight.

Maybe it's because I was thinking about this blog. Maybe it's because the kids were going to bed (or not wanting to go to bed), but I forgot my protection. And my friends, I got fucked.

Exhibit A. Broken fucking layer.

So what now?

Well, I'll tell you what. I had a little taste of the cake as I cut the top off (more on this tomorrow) and it's delicious. I mean, REALLY delicious. Like if Gandhi had smelled this cake he would have ended his hunger strike. So, I'm gonna slap some butter cream and stitch this thing back together later. Or, I may carefully try to pull it together without stitching it. It may not be pretty, but as God as my witness we will eat this damn thing and will fight over the last piece.

So, that's why I'm not "Cake God" or some shit like that. I fuck up. (I do it ALL the time, ask Mrs. CB), but you know what, a real cake bastard knows when he fucks up and he picks the pieces up. So, parchment paper, it's like a condom, its there to protect your ass. Use it. If not, you're liable to end up with cake herpes.


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